[R] x, y for point of intersection

Monica Pisica pisicandru at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 22 21:40:28 CET 2011

Hi everyone,


I am trying to get a point of intersection between a
polyline and a straight line ….. and get the x and y coordinates of this point.
For exemplification consider this:





k1 <-rnorm(100, mean=1.77, sd=3.33)

 k1 <- sort(k1)

q1 <- rnorm(100, mean=2.37, sd=0.74)

q1 <- sort(q1, decreasing = TRUE)

plot(k1, q1, xlim <- c((min(k1)-5), (max(k1)+5)),


ya <- 2

xa = -5




lines(c(xa, xb), c(ya, yb), col = 2)


# I want to get the x and y coordinates of the
intersection of the 2 lines ….


m <- (ya-yb)/(xa-xb)

b <- ya-m*xa

ln <- loess(q1~k1)



It is clear that the x, y will satisfy both linear
equations, y = m*x + b and the ln polyline ….. but while I can visualize the
equation of the straight line – I have problems with the polyline. I will appreciate
any ideas to solve this problem. I thought it a trivial solution but it seems I
cannot see it.


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