[R] Plot alignment with mtext

Kevin Burton rkevinburton at charter.net
Tue Nov 15 21:22:11 CET 2011

I hadn't considered altering the font. Thank you I will try that.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah Goslee [mailto:sarah.goslee at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:53 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] Plot alignment with mtext

Hi Kevin,

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Kevin Burton <rkevinburton at charter.net>
> I would like the text plotted with 'mtext' to be alighned like it is 
> for printing on the console. Here is what I have:

You don't provide any of the info in the posting guide (OS may be important
here), or a reproducible example, which would also be helpful.

But see below anyway.

>> print(emt)
>                    ME                   RMSE                  MAE MPE    
> MAPE         MASE
> original -1.034568e+07 1.097695e+08 2.433160e+07 -31.30554   37.47713
> 1.5100050
> xreg        1.561235e+01 2.008599e+03 9.089473e+02 267.05490 280.66734
> 0.9893643
>> a <- capture.output(print(emt))
>> a
> [1] "                    ME         RMSE          MAE       MPE      
> [2] "original -1.034568e+07 1.097695e+08 2.433160e+07 -31.30554  
> 37.47713 1.5100050"
> [3] "xreg      1.561235e+01 2.008599e+03 9.089473e+02 267.05490 
> 280.66734 0.9893643"
> There are no tabs but when adding to a plot with mtext like:
> op <- par(mfcol = c(2, 1), oma=c(0,0,4,0))
> . . . . .
> a <- capture.output(print(emt))
> mtext(a[1], line= 1, side=3, outer=TRUE)
> mtext(a[2], line= 0, side=3, outer=TRUE)
> mtext(a[3], line=-1, side=3, outer=TRUE)
> The plotted text is not aligned like when it is displayed on the 
> console. I have looked at the strings and they all have the same 
> length so it seems that mtext is doing something with the spaces so 
> that the output is not aligned. Any ideas on how I can get it aligned (by

The default font used for titles is not proportionally spaced, at least on
my linux system, so of course they won't line up.


a <- c("                    ME         RMSE          MAE       MPE
 MAPE      MASE",
"original -1.034568e+07 1.097695e+08 2.433160e+07 -31.30554  37.47713
"xreg      1.561235e+01 2.008599e+03 9.089473e+02 267.05490 280.66734

par(mfcol=c(2,1), oma=c(0,0,4,0))
plot(1:10, 1:10)
plot(1:10, 1:10)

mtext(a[1], line= 1, side=3, outer=TRUE) mtext(a[2], line= 0, side=3,
outer=TRUE) mtext(a[3], line=-1, side=3, outer=TRUE)

Or whatever the appropriate font family specification for your OS is.


Sarah Goslee

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