[R] Rekeying value denoting NA
David Winsemius
dwinsemius at comcast.net
Tue Nov 8 17:07:53 CET 2011
On Nov 8, 2011, at 8:57 AM, Jean V Adams wrote:
> SML wrote on 11/07/2011 09:10:30 PM:
>> I'm trying to rekey values which denote there is no values, i.e.,
>> '-999' in a dataset which contains both '-999' and NA entries.
>> When I try the following command I get the following error:
>>> data.frame[data.frame$MAR <= -99999,"MAR"] <- NA
>> "missing values are not allowed in subscripted assignments of data
>> frames"
>> Example of data:
>> 1931 5 -999 NA 3
>> 1932 2 1 -999 2
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> 2010 -999 NA 2 1
>> I've tried to replace the NAs with -999 values first to remove the NA
>> values, but got the same error.
>> I'm quite new to R, and these little issues seem to be a stumbling
>> block. Many thanks for any help you might be able to offer.
> First of all, you should call your data frame something other than
> data.frame because data.frame is already a function in the base
> package of
> R. Let's call it df, instead,
> df <- data.frame
> rm(data.frame)
> Secondly, it looks like the variables in your data frame (JAN, FEB,
> MAR,
> ..., DEC) are character not numeric, because their values are left
> aligned
> in your example print out. You can test this out by showing the
> class of
> each variable in the data frame,
> lapply(df, class)
> If the variables are character, you can convert them to numeric,
> df2 <- as.data.frame(lapply(df, as.numeric))
> Then you can convert all the -999 values to NAs,
> df2[df2 < -99] <- NA
Agreed this is what _should_ be done.
> 1931 5 NA NA 3
> 1932 2 NA NA 2
> .
> .
> .
> 2010 NA NA 2 1
But ... I thought she wanted (unwisely in my opinion) to go the other
way, NA's -> -999. In R the replacement of NA's is a bit convoluted
because nothing "=="'s NA. You might need use the `is.na` function in
this manner.
df[is.na(df[["MAR"]]), "MAR"] <- -999
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT
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