[R] Comparing Excel to R for Standard Curves

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 23:47:24 CET 2011

minda berbeco <mrberbeco <at> ucdavis.edu> writes:

> Hello,
> In the past I have used Excel for creating standard curves.  I recently
> switched to R using the lm function to create my curves instead, but find
> the results are slightly different even though my y-intercept and slope are
> the same.  A friend told me that the difference was due to R and Excel
> using a different algorithm to calculate the line.  Has anyone run into
> this problem before?

  Can you please give us a reproducible example?  e.g. read the
posting guide or http://tinyurl.com/reproducible-000 ...  It's also
not clear what you mean by "the results are slightly different even
though my y-intercept and slope are the same" ... what do you mean
by "results"?  R^2 value?

  Ben Bolker

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