[R] Compiling C-code in Windows

Petar Milin pmilin at ff.uns.ac.rs
Tue May 31 13:43:40 CEST 2011

Hello ALL!
I am an Linux user (Debian testing i386), with very dusty 
Win-experience. Nevertheless, my colleagues and I are making some 
package in R, and I built C-routines to speed up things.
I followed instruction how to compile C for R (very useful link: 
and links listed there). Everything works like a charm in Linux. I have 
*.so and wrapper function from R is doing a right call.
However, I wanted to make *.dll library for Win-users. Now, I used my 
colleague's computer with Win XP on it, and with the latest R. In MS-DOS 
console, I positioned prompt in 'C;\Program Files\R\R-2.13.0\bin\i386\', 
and then I run: 'R CMD SHLIB C:\trial.c'. However, nothing happened, no 
trial.dll, nothing. Then, I tried with: 'R CMD SHLIB --output=trial.dll 
C:\trial.c', but no luck, again.
Please, can anyone help me with this? Can I use: 'R CMD SHLIB 
--output=trial.dll C:\trial.c' under Linux, and expecting working DLL?


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