[R] Setting max. iterations for lmer

Downey, Patrick PDowney at urban.org
Sun May 29 03:05:35 CEST 2011


I hate to ask a question which is directly addressed in the documentation,
but can someone please give me an example of how to change the maximum
number of iterations used by lmer. I'm having a hard time understanding

control              a list of control parameters. See below for details.
a named list of control parameters for the estimation algorithm, specifying
only the ones to be changed from their default values. Hence defaults to an
empty list.
Possible control options and their default values are: 
a logical value passed as the trace argument to nlminb (see documentation
on that function). Default is getOption("verbose"). 
a positive integer passed as the maxIter argument to nlminb (see
documentation on that function). Default is 300. 
a positive integer specifying the maximum number of evaluations of the
deviance function allowed during the optimization. Default is 900

Thank you in advance,

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