[R] references in R

Jonas Zierer jonas.zierer at campus.lmu.de
Tue May 24 11:16:08 CEST 2011

Hi everybody,

my problem is the following: I have a function which produces for an
input number a dataframe with a fixed number of columns and 0 to 10
Now i want to apply this function to a vector with different inputs and
merge all these result-dataframes in one data.frame.

Can i give a data.frame-reference to the function, so that the result of
the function is not returned but appended to the given data.frame?

Or i could use lapply, but then i have to find a way to merge the single
dataframes in the returned list (the only solution i found for this is a
for loop over all list entries and merging them...but there must be a
better solution, or?)

thx. bye

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