[R] Rscript hangs on exit with ubuntu 11.04

Mikael Högqvist hoegqvist at zib.de
Tue May 17 14:46:13 CEST 2011

Hi Dirk,

for me the following still hangs:

R --vanilla -e 'library(plyr); ddply(data.frame(a=1:101,b=1:101), .(a,b), nrow)'

but... when running the script via littler with "r -p bug.R" it returns.


On 17 May 2011 13:50, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org> wrote:
> On 17 May 2011 at 12:18, Mikael Högqvist wrote:
> | Hi,
> |
> | I have run into a strange issue with Rscript and plyr. When running
> | the following Rscript:
> |
> | #!/usr/bin/Rscript
> | library(plyr)
> | d = ddply(data.frame(a=1:101,b=1:101), .(a,b), nrow)
> | head(d)
> |
> | the script does not terminate. It prints out the results from head(d),
> | but does not return to the shell. By changing the a and b to 1:100,
> | the script returns. The same code running within the R shell works
> | fine. I'm using plyr 1.5.2 and R 2.13.0 on Ubuntu 11.04. The same code
> | worked fine on Ubuntu 10.10.
> |
> | I've found an older mail to the r-help mailing-list which may be related:
> |
> | https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2011-March/273163.html
> |
> | but there was no solution. I also asked this question on the plyr mailing list.
> |
> | Can anyone else reproduce this or have any idea of how it can be resolved?
> I cannot replicate this on Ubuntu 11.04:
> edd at max:~$ Rscript /tmp/mikael.r
>  a b V1
> 1 1 1  1
> 2 2 2  1
> 3 3 3  1
> 4 4 4  1
> 5 5 5  1
> 6 6 6  1
> edd at max:~$ r -p /tmp/mikael.r      # apt-get install littler
>  a b V1
> 1 1 1  1
> 2 2 2  1
> 3 3 3  1
> 4 4 4  1
> 5 5 5  1
> 6 6 6  1
> edd at max:~$ cat /tmp/mikael.r
> #!/usr/bin/Rscript
> library(plyr)
> d = ddply(data.frame(a=1:101,b=1:101), .(a,b), nrow)
> head(d)
> edd at max:~$
> Try maybe with your .RData file or whatever else may have side-effects.
> Dirk
> --
> Gauss once played himself in a zero-sum game and won $50.
>                      -- #11 at http://www.gaussfacts.com

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