[R] Survreg object
Prof Brian Ripley
ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Sat May 14 14:08:29 CEST 2011
There is however the generic vcov(), which has a method for class
One good reason for not having a simple means to extract standard
errors is that considering coefficients in isolation is often unwise
(and has come up on R-help more than once already this month).
The summary() method for class "survreg", like many other
model-fitting functions, has an argument 'correlation'. In the mid
1990s for S(-PLUS) the default for this argument was usually true. I
can see why the R tradition changed to false, but reminding people of
the correlation matrix when printing the coefficient table had merit.
On Sat, 14 May 2011, David Winsemius wrote:
> On May 14, 2011, at 5:48 AM, andre bedon wrote:
>> Hi,Just a quick one, does anyone know the command for accessing the
>> standard errors from a survreg object? I can access the coefficients by
>> model$coefficients, but I cant seem to find a command to access the errors.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.Regards,Andre
> I do not see an se.coef extractor function in the help pages for survreg or
> survreg.object, so I guess you need to make one:
> fit <- survreg(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ ecog.ps + rx, ovarian, dist='weibull',
> scale=1)
> Two methods seem to be equivalent on the first example in help(survreg):
> summary(fit)$table[ , "Std. Error"]
> (Intercept) ecog.ps rx
> 1.3218774 0.5869936 0.5869936
> sqrt(diag(fit$var))
> (Intercept) ecog.ps rx
> 1.3218774 0.5869936 0.5869936
> The first one is preferred because after looking at the summary.survreg
> function, one sees that it first checks for other conditions that were
> recorded in the fit object and only if those are met does it apply the second
> method, and it further checks to see if robust errors had been requested.
> There can be some risk in creating your own extraction methods, since the
> author of a package may have had reasons for not making it available, but in
> this case he did offer a table that includes the component you were
> requesting.
> David Winsemius, MD
> West Hartford, CT
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
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