[R] create structs in R.

Alaios alaios at yahoo.com
Sat May 14 13:28:29 CEST 2011

Dear all,
so far when I want to create a struct with a substructs I create.
Lists with sublists by using functions and replicate.

This will end up in to a struct that is addressed like that

for (i in c(1:100){
  for (j in c(1:100){
It is not hard for one to understand that this form for addressing subfields of the struct [[1]][[2]][[1]]... and so on, make hard to track which field of the strut you are addressing to. Even worse when I open my code after one week I usually take some time to understand which field I wanted to address.

Is there something more easier that I can do to face both these types of problem?

I would like to thank you in advance for your help

Best Regards

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