[R] (no subject)
Ista Zahn
izahn at psych.rochester.edu
Thu May 12 17:18:57 CEST 2011
Hi Fabian,
You my find my discussion of "types" of SS helpful. My website has
been down for some time, but you can retrieve it from
among other places.
On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 10:33 AM, Fabian <Fabian_roger at gmx.de> wrote:
> #subject: type III sum of squares - anova() Anova() AnovaM()
> #R-version: 2.12.2
> #Hello everyone,
> #I am currently evaluating experimental data of a two factor
> experiment. to illustrate de my problem I will use following #dummy
> dataset: Factor "T1" has 3 levels ("A","B","C") and factor "T2" has 2
> levels "E" and "F". The design is #completly balanced, each factor
> combinations has 4 replicates.
> #the dataset looks like this:
> T1<-(c(rep(c("A","B","C"),each=8)))
> T2<-(c(rep(rep(c("E","F"),each=4),3)))
> RESPONSE<-c(1,2,3,2,2,1,3,2,9,8,8,9,6,5,5,6,5,5,5,6,1,2,3,3)
> DF<-as.data.frame(cbind(T1,T2,RESPONSE))
> > DF
> 1 A E 1
> 2 A E 2
> 3 A E 3
> 4 A E 2
> 5 A F 2
> 6 A F 1
> 7 A F 3
> 8 A F 2
> 9 B E 7
> 10 B E 6
> 11 B E 6
> 12 B E 7
> 13 B F 5
> 14 B F 4
> 15 B F 4
> 16 B F 5
> 17 C E 4
> 18 C E 4
> 19 C E 4
> 20 C E 5
> 21 C F 1
> 22 C F 2
> 23 C F 3
> 24 C F 3
> library(biology)
> replications(RESPONSE ~ T1*T2,data=DF)
> T1 T2 T1:T2
> 8 12 4
> is.balanced(RESPONSE ~ T1*T2,data=DF)
> [1] TRUE
> #Now I would like to know whether T1, T2 or T1*T2 have a significant
> effect on RESPONSE. As far as I know, the #theory says that I should use
> a type III sum of squares, but the theory also says that if the design
> is completely #balanced, there is no difference between type I,II or III
> sum of squares.
> #so I first fit a linear model:
> my.anov<-lm(RESPONSE~T1+T2+T1:T2)
> #then I do a normal Anova
> > anova(my.anov)
> Analysis of Variance Table
> Response: RESPONSE
> Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
> T1 2 103.0 51.500 97.579 2.183e-10 ***
> T2 1 24.0 24.000 45.474 2.550e-06 ***
> T1:T2 2 12.0 6.000 11.368 0.000642 ***
> Residuals 18 9.5 0.528
> #When I do the same with the Anova() function from the "car" package I
> get the same result
> Anova(my.anov)
> Anova Table (Type II tests)
> Response: RESPONSE
> Sum Sq Df F value Pr(>F)
> T1 103.0 2 97.579 2.183e-10 ***
> T2 24.0 1 45.474 2.550e-06 ***
> T1:T2 12.0 2 11.368 0.000642 ***
> Residuals 9.5 18
> #(type two sees to be the default and type="I" produces an error (why?))
> #yet, when I specify type="III" it gives me something completely different:
> Anova(my.anov,type="III")
> Anova Table (Type III tests)
> Response: RESPONSE
> Sum Sq Df F value Pr(>F)
> (Intercept) 16.0 1 30.316 3.148e-05 ***
> T1 84.5 2 80.053 1.100e-09 ***
> T2 0.0 1 0.000 1.000000
> T1:T2 12.0 2 11.368 0.000642 ***
> Residuals 9.5 18
> #an the AnovaM() function from the "biology" package does the same for
> type I and II and produces the following #result:
> library(biology)
> AnovaM(my.anov,type="III")
> Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
> T1 2 84.5 42.250 80.053 1.10e-09 ***
> T2 1 24.0 24.000 45.474 2.55e-06 ***
> T1:T2 2 12.0 6.000 11.368 0.000642 ***
> Residuals 18 9.5 0.528
> #Is type 3 the Type I should use and why do the results differ if the
> design is balanced? I am really confused, it would #be great if someone
> could help me out!
> #Thanks a lot for your help!
> #/Fabian
> #University of Gothenburg
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Ista Zahn
Graduate student
University of Rochester
Department of Clinical and Social Psychology
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