[R] Alter a line in a file.

Patrick Connolly p_connolly at slingshot.co.nz
Mon May 9 08:58:37 CEST 2011

On Thu, 05-May-2011 at 06:13AM -0700, Joel wrote:

|> jholtman wrote:
|> > 
|> > a <- readLines(textConnection('setting1="value1"
|> > setting2="value2"
|> > setting3="value3"
|> > setting4="value4"'))
|> > closeAllConnections()
|> > # change  values
|> > ac <- sub('setting4="value4"', 'setting4="value5"', a)
|> > writeLines(ac, con='myFile.txt')
|> > 
|> Problem is that I dont know the value on all the settings that I wanna
|> change otherwise that looks like something to continue on.
|> Petr Pikal wrote:
|> > 
|> > What file, what is its structure, is it some R object or separate file?
|> > What did you try and what went wrong?
|> > 
|> > Regards
|> > Petr 
|> > 
|> Just a normal textfile nothing fancy
|> Ive tried diffrent kind of ways of useing my OS witch is linux by
|> the system command to do it for me but Im not good enought on
|> regexp to get it to work properly.

R is great for lots of things.  I even use it for things that someone
more skilled would do using Perl, but in your case, it would be much
easier to use a text editor.  If you can't use Emacs or vi, use nano.
You don't need to know anything about text editors to use the menu
options it has for everything.


   ___    Patrick Connolly   
 {~._.~}                   Great minds discuss ideas    
 _( Y )_  	         Average minds discuss events 
(:_~*~_:)                  Small minds discuss people  
 (_)-(_)  	                      ..... Eleanor Roosevelt

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