[R] The 4th Chinese R Conference (Beijing, May 28, 2011)

Yihui Xie xie at yihui.name
Sun May 8 07:51:44 CEST 2011

Hi all,

Just a short announcement that the 4th Chinese R Conference (ChinaR)
will take place at the Renmin University of China (Beijing session) on
May 28, 2011. Since 2008 we have been holding ChinaR conferences in
Beijing (summer) and Shanghai (winter) each year. This conference is
mainly for Chinese R users and gaining more influence in China (see
the R News and R Journal for past conference summaries). Some
highlights this year range from the introduction to Rcpp and
high-performance computing to the application of R in online dating
systems. English speakers are welcome as well.

There is no registration fee; the conference is completely free (in
the sense of both free lunch and free software). Funding is also
available for student speakers, thanks to our sponsors.

For more details, see http://cos.name/2011/04/chinar-2011/ (in Chinese)

Questions can be directed to chinar-2011-bj at cos.name. Thanks!

Yihui, on behalf of the organizing committee
Yihui Xie <xieyihui at gmail.com>
Phone: 515-294-2465 Web: http://yihui.name
Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA

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