[R] Simple loop

Hadley Wickham hadley at rice.edu
Sat May 7 17:21:59 CEST 2011

>> Using paste(Site,Prof) when calling ave() is ugly, in that it
>> forces you to consider implementation details that you expect
>> ave() to take care of (how does paste convert various types
>> to strings?).  It also courts errors  since paste("A B", "C")
>> and paste("A", "B C") give the same result but represent different
>> Site/Prof combinations.
> Well, ave() uses interaction(...) and interaction() has a "drop" argument, so
>> with(x, ave(H, Site, Prof, drop=TRUE, FUN=function(y)y-min(y)))
> [1]  8  0 51  0 33 22 21  0

I don't understand why this isn't the default.


Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University

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