[R] plotting confidence bands from predict.nls

Penny Bilton pennybilton at xnet.co.nz
Sat May 7 06:17:42 CEST 2011

I am trying to find a confidence band for a fitted non-linear curve. I 
see that the predict.nls function has an interval argument, but a 
previous post indicates that this argument has not been implemented.  Is 
this still true? I have tried various ways to extract the interval 
information from the model object without success. My code is:

Model.predict <-  predict(My.nls.model,  se.fit=TRUE,  interval = 
"confidence",  level = 0.95)   ,

where My.nls.model is an nls object, I was able to extract the 
predictions okay.

Thank you for your help.

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