[R] Sweave: no eps fig

Marc Schwartz marc_schwartz at me.com
Sat May 7 02:51:50 CEST 2011

On May 6, 2011, at 6:00 PM, mk90-40 at gmx.de wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm using R, Latex and Sweave for some years now, but today it confuses me alot:
> Running Sweave produces only figures in .pdf format, no .eps figures.
> The header looks like this:
> <<echo=TRUE, fig=TRUE, label=Fig1>>=
> There was no error message.
> Does anybody have an idea?
> Any changes in the Sweave-package?
> Or a missing driver or something like that?
> I recently switched to another OS (Fedora RedHat) - might that be the reason?
> Grateful for any suggestions,
> Lena

Starting with R 2.13.0, the default in Sweave is to produce only PDF and not EPS.

You really only need EPS plots if you are doing postscript magic (eg. PSTricks, which I use) and need to use latex rather than pdflatex.

>From news():

o   The default for Sweave() is to produce only PDF figures (rather
    than both EPS and PDF).

Always a good idea to read news() if running a new version...  :-)

See ?RweaveLatex

You can either set:

  <<echo=TRUE, fig=TRUE, label=Fig1, eps=true>>=

or globally:



Marc Schwartz

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