[R] Confidence intervals and polynomial fits

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Fri May 6 18:31:00 CEST 2011

On May 6, 2011, at 11:35 AM, Ben Haller wrote:

>  Hi all!  I'm getting a model fit from glm() (a binary logistic  
> regression fit, but I don't think that's important) for a formula  
> that contains powers of the explanatory variable up to fourth.  So  
> the fit looks something like this (typing into mail; the actual fit  
> code is complicated because it involves step-down and so forth):
> x_sq <- x * x
> x_cb <- x * x * x
> x_qt <- x * x * x * x
> model <- glm(outcome ~ x + x_sq + x_cb + x_qt, binomial)

It might have been easier with:

  model <- glm(outcome ~ poly(x, 4) , binomial)

Since the authors of confint might have been expecting a poly()  
formulation the results might be more reliable. I'm just using lm()  
but I think the conclusions are more general:

 > set.seed(123)
 > x <-seq(0, 4, by=0.1)
 > y <-seq(0, 4, by=0.1)^2 +rnorm(41)
 > x2 <- x^2
 > x3 <- x^3
 > summary(lm(y~x+x2+x3 ) )

lm(formula = y ~ x + x2 + x3)

     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
-1.8528 -0.6146 -0.1164  0.6211  1.8923

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  0.45737    0.52499   0.871   0.3893
x           -0.75989    1.15080  -0.660   0.5131
x2           1.30987    0.67330   1.945   0.0594 .
x3          -0.03559    0.11058  -0.322   0.7494
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.9184 on 37 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9691,	Adjusted R-squared: 0.9666
F-statistic: 386.8 on 3 and 37 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

I wouldn't have been able to understand why a highly significant  
relationship overall could not be ascribed to any of the terms. See  
what happens with poly(x,3)

 > summary( lm(y~poly(x,3) ) )

lm(formula = y ~ poly(x, 3))

     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
-1.8528 -0.6146 -0.1164  0.6211  1.8923

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   5.4271     0.1434  37.839  < 2e-16 ***
poly(x, 3)1  30.0235     0.9184  32.692  < 2e-16 ***
poly(x, 3)2   8.7823     0.9184   9.563 1.53e-11 ***
poly(x, 3)3  -0.2956     0.9184  -0.322    0.749
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.9184 on 37 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9691,	Adjusted R-squared: 0.9666
F-statistic: 386.8 on 3 and 37 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

 > confint( lm(y~poly(x,3) ) )
                 2.5 %    97.5 %
(Intercept)  5.136526  5.717749
poly(x, 3)1 28.162706 31.884351
poly(x, 3)2  6.921505 10.643149
poly(x, 3)3 -2.156431  1.565213
 > confint(lm(y~x+x2+x3 ) )
                   2.5 %    97.5 %
(Intercept) -0.60636547 1.5211072
x           -3.09164639 1.5718576
x2          -0.05437802 2.6741120
x3          -0.25964705 0.1884609

Neither version exactly captures the simulation input, which would  
have shown only an effect of the quadratic, but I didn't do any  
centering. At least the poly version shows the lower order terms up to  
quadratic as "significant", whereas it's difficult to extract much  
meaningful out of the separately calculated term version.



>  This works great, and I get a nice fit.  My question regards the  
> confidence intervals on that fit.  I am calling:
> cis <- confint.default(model, level=0.95)
> to get the confidence intervals for each coefficient.  This  
> confint.default() call gives me a table like this (where "dispersal"  
> is the real name of what I'm calling "x" above):
>                             2.5 %      97.5 %
> (Intercept)              8.7214297   8.9842533
> dispersal              -37.5621412 -35.6629981
> dispersal_sq            66.8077669  74.4490123
> dispersal_cb           -74.5963861 -62.8347057
> dispersal_qt            22.6590159  28.6506186
>  A side note: calling confint() instead of confint.default() is  
> much, much slower -- my model has many other terms I'm not  
> discussing here, and is fit to 300,000 data points -- and a check  
> indicates that the intervals returned for my model by confint() are  
> not virtually identical, so this is not the source of my problem:
>                             2.5 %      97.5 %
> (Intercept)              8.7216693   8.9844958
> dispersal              -37.5643922 -35.6652276
> dispersal_sq            66.8121519  74.4534753
> dispersal_cb           -74.5995820 -62.8377766
> dispersal_qt            22.6592724  28.6509494
>  These tables show the problem: the 95% confidence limits for the  
> quartic term are every bit as wide as the limits for the other  
> terms.  Since the quartic term coefficient gets multiplied by the  
> fourth power of x, this means that the width of the confidence band  
> starts out nice and narrow (when x is close to zero, where the width  
> of the confidence band is pretty much just determined by the  
> confidence limits on the intercept) but balloons out to be  
> tremendously wide for larger values of x.  The width of it looks  
> quite unreasonable to me, given that my fit is constrained by  
> 300,000 data points.
>  Intuitively, I would have expected the confidence limits for the  
> quartic term to be much narrower than for, say, the linear term,  
> because the effect of variation in the quartic term is so much  
> larger.  But the way confidence intervals are calculated in R, at  
> least, does not seem to follow my instincts here.  In other words,  
> predicted values using the 2.5% value of the linear coefficient and  
> the 97.5% value of the linear coefficient are really not very  
> different, but predicted values using the 2.5% value of the  
> quadratic coefficient and the 97.5% value of the quadratic  
> coefficient are enormously, wildly divergent -- far beyond the range  
> of variability in the original data, in fact.  I feel quite  
> confident, in a seat-of-the-pants sense, that the actual 95% limits  
> of that quartic coefficient are much, much narrower than what R is  
> giving me.
>  Looking at it another way: if I just exclude the quartic term from  
> the glm() fit, I get a dramatically narrower confidence band, even  
> though the fit to the data is not nearly as good (I'm keeping the  
> fourth power for good reasons).  This again seems to me to indicate  
> that the confidence band with the quartic term included is  
> artificially, and incorrectly, wide.  If a fit with reasonably  
> narrow confidence limits can be produced for the model with terms  
> only up to cubic (or, taking this reductio even further, for a  
> quadratic or a linear model, also), why does adding the quadratic  
> term, which improves the quality of the fit to the data, cause the  
> confidence limits to nevertheless balloon outwards?  That seems  
> fundamentally illogical to me, but maybe my instincts are bad.
>  So what's going on here?  Is this just a limitation of the way  
> confint() computes confidence intervals?  Is there a better function  
> to use, that is compatible with binomial glm() fits?  Or am I  
> misinterpreting the meaning of the confidence limits in some way?   
> Or what?
>  Thanks for any advice.  I've had trouble finding examples of  
> polynomial fits like this; people sometimes fit the square of the  
> explanatory variable, of course, but going up to fourth powers seems  
> to be quite uncommon, so I've had trouble finding out how others  
> have dealt with these sorts of issues that crop up only with higher  
> powers.
> Ben Haller
> McGill University
> http://biology.mcgill.ca/grad/ben/
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David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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