[R] rcspline.problem

Haleh Ghaem Maralani a0066612 at nus.edu.sg
Fri May 6 06:24:42 CEST 2011

   Dear Dr ;

   I am a PhD student at Epidemiology department of National University of
   Singapore. I used R command (rcspline.plot) for plotting restricted cubic
   spline  –  the  model is based on Cox. I managed to get a plot without
   adjustment  for  other  covariates,  but I have a problem regarding to
   adjusting the confounders.

   I applied below command to generate the matrix for covariates.

   m=as.matrix(age,sex)  or  m1=matrix(age,sex)  or m2=cbind(age,sex)

   But, when I input  ..... adj=m, or adj=m1, or adj=m2......  in the model, R
   gives below error:

   Error in pchisq(q, df, lower.tail, log.p) :

     Non-numeric argument to mathematical function

   In addition: Warning message:

   In coxph.fit(cbind(x, xx, adj), cbind(y, event), strata = NULL,  :

   Loglik converged before variable  1,2,3,4 ; beta may be infinite.

   I would be grateful if you take my issue into your consideration and help me
   on this case

   Sincerely Yours

   Haleh Ghaem

   PhD student, NUS

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