[R] Watts Strogatz game

Gábor Csárdi csardi at rmki.kfki.hu
Wed May 4 16:25:47 CEST 2011

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 9:28 AM, Robert Baer <rbaer at atsu.edu> wrote:
>>> I have a erdos-renyi game with 6000 nodes and probability 0.003.
>>> g1 = erdos.renyi.game(6000, 0.003)
>>> How to create a Watts Strogatz game with the same probability.
>>> g1 = watts.strogatz.game(1, 6000, ?, ?)
>>> What should be the third and fourth parameter to this argument.

You can work out the number of edges in a Watts-Strogatz game easily,
by calculating the degree of the nodes in the non-randomized network.
This will be different for different dimensions, of course.
Randomization does not change the average degree.

Obviously, you cannot exactly match all Erdos-Renyi graphs, because
the W-S density cannot change continuously.


> According to ?watts.strogatz.game help file (in the igraph package?), the
> four arguments to this function are:
> dim     Integer constant, the dimension of the starting lattice.
> size     Integer constant, the size of the lattice along each dimension.
> nei     Integer constant, the neighborhood within which the vertices of the
> lattice will be connected.
> p         Real constant between zero and one, the rewiring probability.
> So it looks like the last two should be neighborhood and rewiring
> probability respectively.
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Gabor Csardi <csardi at rmki.kfki.hu>     MTA KFKI RMKI

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