[R] na.omit - Is it working properly?

peter dalgaard pdalgd at gmail.com
Wed May 4 08:02:51 CEST 2011

On May 3, 2011, at 21:18 , Kalicin, Sarah wrote:

> I have a work around for this, but can someone explain why the first example does not work properly? I believed it worked in the previous version of R, by selecting just the rows=200525 and omitting the na's. I just upgraded to 2.13. I am also concern with the row numbers being different in the selections, should I be worried? FYI, I just selected the first few rows for demonstration, please do not worry that the number of rows shown are not equal. - Sarah
> With na.omit around the column, but it is showing other values in the F.WW column other than 200525, along with NA.  I was hoping that this would omit all the NA's, and show all the rows that P$F.WW=200525. I believe it did with the previous version of R.

That's highly unlikely. na.omit(P$WW) has fewer elements than there are rows in P so you get vector recycling in the style of 

> thuesen[c(F,F,F,F,T),]
   blood.glucose short.velocity
5            7.2           1.27
10          12.2           1.22
15           6.7           1.52
20          16.1           1.05

(now why don't we get the usual warning about "not a multiple of" in this case?)

Worse, if you omit observations prior to comparison, the result won't line up. E.g. in the thuesen data, obs.

> thuesen[na.omit(thuesen$short.velocity)==1.12,]
   blood.glucose short.velocity
16           8.6             NA
22           4.9           1.03

whereas in fact 

> subset(thuesen, short.velocity==1.12)
   blood.glucose short.velocity
17           4.2           1.12
23           8.8           1.12

> P[na.omit(P$F.WW)==200525, c(51, 52)]
>          F.WW        R.WW
> 45      200525          NA
> 53          NA          NA
> 61      200534      200534
> 63      200608      200608
> 66      200522      200541
> 80          NA          NA
> 150     200521      200516
> 231     200530      200530
> No na.omit, the F.WW=200525 seems to work, but lots of NA included. This is what is expected!! The row numbers are not the same as the above example, except the first row.
>> P[P$F.WW==200525, c(51, 52)]
>            F.WW     R.WW
> 45        200525          NA
> NA            NA          NA
> NA.1          NA          NA
> NA.2          NA          NA
> NA.3          NA          NA
> 57        200525      200526
> 65        200525          NA
> 67        200525          NA
> 70        200525      200525
> NA.4          NA          NA
> NA.5          NA          NA
> 86        200525          NA

Presumably, a number of rows got omitted here? The NA's are a bit of a pain, but that's the way things work: If there is an observation that you don't know whether to include, you get an NA filled row.

> thuesen[thuesen$short.velocity==1.12,]
   blood.glucose short.velocity
NA            NA             NA
17           4.2           1.12
23           8.8           1.12

To avoid this, you explicitly test for NA using is.na() or use subset() which does it internally. 

> Na.omit excludes the na's. This is what I want. The concern I have is why the row numbers do not match any of those shown in the examples above.
>> na.omit(P[P$F.WW==200525, c(51, 52)])
>        F.WW        R.WW
> 57    200525      200526
> 70    200525      200525
> 161   200525      200525
> 245   200525      200525
> 246   200525      200525
> 247   200525      200526
> 256   200525      200525
> 266   200525      200525
> 269   200525      200525
> 271   200525      200526
> 276   200525      200526
> 278   200525      200526

Well, now you remove rows with NA _anywhere_, so e.g. row #65 is out because R.WW is missing. I expect #161 and higher was just chopped from the earlier list. 

In short, nothing out of the ordinary seems to be going on here.

Peter Dalgaard
Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Phone: (+45)38153501
Email: pd.mes at cbs.dk  Priv: PDalgd at gmail.com

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