[R] Mean/SD of Each Position in Table

Nemergut, Edward *HS EN3X at hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu
Sun May 1 17:48:00 CEST 2011

I have 100+ .csv files which have the basic format:

> test
        X Substance1 Substance2 Substance3 Substance4 Substance5
1   Time1         10          0          0          0          0
2   Time2          9          5          0          0          0
3   Time3          8         10          1          0          0
4   Time4          7         20          2          1          0
5   Time5          6         25          3          2          1
6   Time6          5         30          4          2          2
7   Time7          4         25          5          3          3
8   Time8          3         20          6          3          4
9   Time9          2         15          5          3          5
10 Time10          1         10          4          4          6

Each table is of exactly the same dimensions.  After reading each of the
100+ .csv files into R, I want determine the mean and SD of each and every
cell.  That is to ask, I to calculate the mean and SD for (Time1,Substance1)
and every other cell from each of the 100+ .csv files.

I imagine this is a fairly basic question, but my search has been

Thanks in advance,

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