[R] Two issues: WEKA code in R // Probability Estimation Tree algorithms

Patrick Skorupka patsko at gmx.de
Tue Mar 15 23:47:20 CET 2011

Hi everyone, 

this email basically pursues two distinct main goals. I appreciate any help! 

First of all I was wondering if there is any possibility to get WEKA files (coded in Java) to run in R respectively RWeka. I first considered if it was possible with the Weka_interface implemented in RWeka but apparently it is not. Is there any way? 

Secondly I am looking for implementations to produce probabilities via Probability Estimation Trees. First results can be obtained using RWeka and other packages in addition but moreover I am looking for advanced algorithms implemented in R / RWeka.  
These include especially m-Estimate and m-Branch for smoothing probabilities, curtailment of trees, Kernel Density, weights in tree leafs as well as implementations of specific developed algorithms like Random Decision Tree, Confusion Tree Factor or Newton Trees for R/RWeka. 
Although I am aware that chance for positive replies regarding this matter is very low I decided to give this a go. In case you can help me out with this request please feel also free to suggest how I can help you respectively your organization in return.

Best regards


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