[R] cumulative incidence plot vs survival plot

alanm (Alan Mitchell) alanm at crab.org
Tue Jun 28 20:40:52 CEST 2011

>So in cuminc() function, the argument "fstatus" should be coded like:
0=censored, 1=event of interest, 2=event of competing risk. Then the
function will calculate CI for each of the 2 types of events >(event of
interest and event of competing risk), am I correct?

>What about running regular Cox regression for recurrence? any problem
there? for example, need to take into competing risk as well or regular
Cox regression is still fine?
This is a little trickier.  I would strongly suggest reading up on this
before doing any analyses.  There are a couple of different ways to do
this, but the crr function in cmprsk will perform a competing risks

Alan Mitchell, MSc
Ph: (206) 839-1708
alanm at crab.org

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