[R] A masked function is a masked function by any other name

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 15:42:10 CEST 2011

On 28/06/2011 9:38 AM, Juan Carlos Borrás wrote:
> Dear all,
> It looks like I do not grasp the concept of masked functions enough as
> to solve this trivial problem.
> The code that replicates the problem (a source code tree that realizes
> a R package actually) is under github so one can call it clone it
> easily from the command line (though more experienced users will spot
> the problem by browsing through the package code):
> git clone http://jcborras@github.com/jcborras/rseedpkg.git
> rseedpkg builds and installs with the usual sequence:
> R CMD build rseedpkg
> R CMD INSTALL rseedpkg_0.01-1.tar.gz
> Last but not least one can test it from the command line:
> Rscript --verbose --default-packages=testthat,log4r -e
> "test_package('rseedpkg')"
> The thing is that if one changes the call log4r:::debug() to plain
> debug() in R/f1.r and R/f2.r then one ends up calling base:::debug()
> and not log4r:::debug() even though the former should be masked by the
> later as log4r is a package dependency of my dummy rseedpkg. And
> that's something that I cannot understand...

If you are using ::: (three colons), then you may be looking into the 
unexported functions in log4r.  The only normal way to see unexported 
functions is to use three colons.

Duncan Murdoch

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