[R] bwplot questions: box order, axis breaks, and multiple y-axis labels

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 06:33:29 CEST 2011

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 2:35 AM, Saalem Adera <saalemadera at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I used bwplot in lattice to create a 6-panel boxplot grouped by a
> conditioning variable (param) that displays concentration (conc) in
> response to treatment (trtmnt).  Here is the functional part of my
> code followed by my three questions:
> library(lattice);
> ww<-read.csv(file="c:/Rdata/lattice_boxplot_prep.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",");
> attach(ww);
> mylist<-list(c(0,200), c(0,60), c(0,1000000), c(0,80), c(0, 5), c(0,300))
> print(ww<-bwplot(conc~trtmnt| param, data=ww, layout=c(1,6),
> as.table=TRUE, between=list(y=1), strip=FALSE, scales = list(y =
> list(alternating = c(1,1), tck=c(1,0), rot=0, relation = "free",
> limits=mylist))));
> detach(ww);
> 1) I want to change the order of the boxes in my boxplots along the
> x-axis such that my trtmnt levels are displayed in this order: CW,
> ACW, AHFCW, AVFCW, Hyb., Integ., Aer. Hyb., Aer. Integ., rather than
> the default alphabetical order.  I read other posts that recommended
> using the factor or reorder functions to accomplish this but I have
> not been able to successfully apply this to my data.  What is the
> correct way to invoke the factor or reorder functions? Here is an
> example of the the code that I tried without success:
> trtmnt<-factor(trtmnt, levels=c(“CW”, “ACW”, “AHFCW”, “AVFCW”, “H”,
> “I”, “AH”, “AI”), labels=c(“CW”, “ACW”, “AHFCW”, “AVFCW”, “Hyb.”,
> “Integ.”, “Aer. Hyb.”, “Aer. Integ.”))

Looks reasonable to me. As you have the data and we do not, only you
can figure out why this did not lead to "success".

> 2) I want to specify axis breaks in the the y-axis range for each
> panel.  So far I’ve been able to specify a y-axis range for each panel
> but have not been able to specify axis breaks.  How can I do that?  I
> tried modifying mylist in the code above to denote breaks in the axis,
> but was unsuccessful.

Lattice does not support axis breaks (at least not what I think of as
axis breaks).

> 3) I want to label the y-axis of each panel rather than just creating
> one label for the entire y-axis.  I tried to do this using ylab, but
> was unsuccessful.  What is the correct way to do this?

As you have a one-column layout, you should be able to do this with a
vector ylab, e.g. ylab = c("lab1", "lab2", ..., "lab6").


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