[R] Saved EPS/PDF graphics not same as JPG/BMP graphics

John Kruschke johnkruschke at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 04:31:42 CEST 2011

When I save a particular plot as JPG or BMP, the saved image is an accurate
copy of that plot.
But when I save the same plot as EPS or PDF, some text elements are
incorrectly altered.
An example is attached. Notice in the top middle and top right panels, the
x-axis labels have correct subscript 1 in the JPG, but incorrect subscript 2
in the EPS.

I'm using R 2.13.0 on Windows 7.

Any clues regarding the source of this error and its solution would be
appreciated. For example, are there EPS/PDF device drivers that need to be
separately updated?

Many thanks.

John K. Kruschke, Professor
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