[R] par code help
David Winsemius
dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Jun 22 00:43:00 CEST 2011
On Jun 21, 2011, at 4:29 PM, Adrienne Keller wrote:
> I am making a barplot using barplot2 from gplots where each bar
> represents a specific tree species. I have formatted the species
> names on the x-axis so that the genus name is above the species name
> and have then rotated the labels 45 degrees to save room. This is my
> code:
> >columncolor<-c("grey20", "grey20", "grey20", "grey70", "grey70",
> "grey70", "grey70", "grey70", "grey70")
> >speciesnames<-c("Dialium\nguianensis", "Inga\nalba", "Tachigali
> \nversicolor", "Brosimum\nutile", "Caryocar\ncostaricense", "Castilla
> \ntunu", "Otoba\nnovagranatensis", "Pourouma\nbicolor", "Socratea
> \nexorrhiza")
> >barplot2(meanapAprilactivity, names.arg=speciesnames,
> col=columncolor, xlab="Species", ylab="Soil acid phosphatase
> activity (nmol/h/g)", ylim=c(0,1000), plot.ci=T,
> ci.l=apAprilminusordered, ci.u=apAprilplusordered,
> cex.lab=1.5)#FinalGraphs>aPApril_Genus.pdf
... "object 'meanapAprilactivity' not found"
> >xvals<-barplot2(meanapAprilactivity, col=columncolor,
> xlab="Species", ylab="Soil acid phosphatase activity (nmol/h/g)",
> ylim=c(0,1000), plot.ci=T, ci.l=apAprilminusordered,
> ci.u=apAprilplusordered, cex.lab=1.5)#FinalGraphs>aPApril_Genus.pdf
> >text(xvals,par("usr")[3]-1, srt=45, adj=0.5,labels=speciesnames,
> xpd=T)
> I have a few problems/questions:
> 1) The middle of the species names are placed at the bottom of the
> bar, such that half of the label is in the figure.
Without any data that's a bit hard to reproduce. Use
dput(meanapAprilactivity )
And _what_ were your goals, anyway?
> 2) There is too much of a space between the genus and species name
> (e.g. between Dialium and guianensis for my first species)
> 3) Do I use cex.axis to change the font size of the labels and
> cex.lab to change the font size of xlab and ylab?
If you are referring to the text() call then cex will change the font
size of the labels.
> I don't understand par() well enough to know what to change. I
> figured changing the numbers after "usr" might help but I don't
> understand what these numbers refer to and guess and check hasn't
> gotten me anywhere.
The third value of par("usr") is the min y value (in the natural
units of the y variable) for the plot area, so if you were trying to
place the text near the bottom of the plotted region, then subtracting
1 from it to get your y-text argument _might_ work, but if the range
of y values is large you may overlap the lower border. Please describe
your goals, rather than relying on code that doesn't give the desired
mp <- barplot2(VADeaths) # default
# [1] "Rural Male" "Rural Female" "Urban Male" "Urban Female"
speciesnames <-c("Rural\nMale" , "Rural\nFemale","Urban\nMale" ,
# increasing the value subtracted from y1 lowers the position of the
xvals<-barplot2(VADeaths); text(xvals,par("usr")[3]-8, srt=45,
adj=0.5,labels=speciesnames, xpd=T)
> Thanks,
> Adrienne Keller
> Graduate Student, College of Forestry
> University of Montana
> adrienne.keller at umontana.edu
> (Phone) 651-485-5822
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David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT
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