[R] qplot/ggplot2 Questions

Dennis Murphy djmuser at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 20:11:12 CEST 2011


On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 10:03 AM, wwreith <reith_william at bah.com> wrote:
> I took some data from an online poll about which R GUI people used most and I
> am messing around with it to learn how to use qplot. Specifically I am
> making a horizontal bar graph and I have two questions.
> 1. The categories are ordered in rather strange way at least to me. It is
> not alphabetical or ascending/descending order of votes cast so i had to
> manually state the order I wanted which is fine, but is there an easy way
> put the cateogies in alphabetical order or in my case descending order?
> Maybe something like: order="alphabetical"

Use the levels = argument of factor() to assign the order of the factor levels.
> 2. Is there an easy way to take a bar graph of count data and turn it into a
> bar graph of percentages. I know I can count how many items are in each
> category then divide by the total and then graph that, but is there
> something quick like geom="percent" or something that would do it
> automatically?

See the formatter = argument in scale_continuous(). Here's an example
from the on-line help page for scale_continuous():

x <- rnorm(10) * 100000
y <- seq(0, 1, length = 10)
p <- qplot(x, y)
p + scale_y_continuous(formatter = "percent")

You want to get your response in the 0-100 range before you start
ggplot(), though. If you already have the counts, it's just easier to
convert them to percentages in the data first before invoking ggplot()
or qplot().


> Code:
> library(ggplot2)
> x<-R.GUI.Poll$Poll
> q<-qplot(x, main="Most Popular R-GUIs", ylab="Votes Received", xlab="R GUI",
> fill=I("blue"), colour=I("black"))+coord_flip()+scale_x_discrete(
> limits=c("R via a data mining tool plugin","Rexcel","JGR (Java Gui for
> R)","RKWard","Revolution Analytics","R Commander","Rattle GUI","ESS (Emacs
> Speaks Statistics)","Tinn-R","RapidMiner R extension","Eclipse with
> StatET","Rstudio","Built-in R console"))
> q<-q+opts(axis.text.x = theme_text(colour = "black", size = 12))
> q<-q+opts(plot.title = theme_text(colour = "black", face="bold", size = 16,
> vjust=2))
> q<-q+opts(axis.text.y = theme_text(colour = "black", hjust=1))
> q<-q+opts(axis.title.y = theme_text(face= "bold", size= 12, angle=90))
> q<-q+opts(axis.title.x = theme_text(face= "bold", size= 12, vjust=-.5))
> q
> --
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