[R] k-nn hierarchical clustering

Christian Hennig chrish at stats.ucl.ac.uk
Thu Jun 9 13:51:34 CEST 2011

Hi there,

is there any R-function for k-nearest neighbour agglomerative hierarchical
By this I mean standard agglomerative hierarchical clustering as in hclust 
or agnes, but with the k-nearest neighbour distance between clusters used 
on the higher levels where there are at least k>1 distances between two 
clusters (single linkage is 1-nearest neighbour clustering)?

Best regards,

*** --- ***
Christian Hennig
University College London, Department of Statistical Science
Gower St., London WC1E 6BT, phone +44 207 679 1698
chrish at stats.ucl.ac.uk, www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucakche

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