[R] kronecker sum

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 15:41:23 CEST 2011

On 11-06-05 9:36 AM, Lara Poplarski wrote:
> Dear All,
> Could someone please suggest how to find the Kronecker sum of two 2x2
> matrices,
> i.e. given two matrices:
> -A  A
> a  -a
> and
> -B   B
> b  -b
> I need:
>   -A-B    A       B      0
>   a     -a-B     0      B
>   b        0     -A-b  A
>   0        b       a    -a-b

Why not do it in the obvious way?

A <- matrix1[1,2]
a <- matrix1[2,1]
B <- matrix2[1,2]
b <- matrix2[2,1]
matrix(c(-A-B,a,b,0,  A,-a-B,0,b, B,0,-A-b,a, 0,B,A,-a-b), 4,4)

Duncan Murdoch

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