[R] Extracting components from a 'boot' class output in R

Tim Hesterberg timhesterberg at gmail.com
Sun Jul 24 06:18:36 CEST 2011

to find out what the components are, and use $ or [[ to extract
for a description of components of the object (look in the Value section).

That is general advice in R, applying to all kinds of objects -
boot, and many other functions such as lm(), return lists with
a class added, and you can operate on the object as a list using
names(), $, etc.

Tim Hesterberg

>Dear R user,
>I used the following to do a bootstrap.
>>bootObj<-boot(data=DAT, statistic=Lp.est,
>I have the following output from the above bootstrap. How
>can I extract  components of the output.
>For example, how can I extract the std.error?
>> bootObj
>boot(data = DAT, statistic = Lp.est, R = 1000, x0 = 3)
>Bootstrap Statistics :
>      original        bias              std. error
>t1*  794.9745 -0.6666341    4.042099
>Any help is greatly appreciated.
>Thank you
>Sarath Banneheka

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