[R] apsrtable package notes no longer working?

Joshua Gubler joshua.r.gubler at byu.edu
Wed Jul 13 23:00:54 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I have used the apsrtable package to generate tables (using LaTeX and Sweave) for quite some.  However, suddenly the notes option in the package appears to have stopped working (or I am doing something wrong).  So, when I try to run the following commands (in the R console):

> attach(NatExp.df)
> model1.lm <- lm((1-schoolspend) ~ jadif)
> model2.lm <- lm((1-nohousdisc) ~ jadif)
> detach(NatExp.df)
> apsrtable(model1.lm,model2.lm,model.names=c("Sspend*","JADif"),digits=3, align="l",stars="default",order="lr",coef.rows=2,Sweave=TRUE,notes=list("*= reverse coded"))

I get the following error:

Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) : 
 could not find function "*= reverse coded"

The users manual for apsrtable says that character string notes as well as functions are acceptable, and I have always been able to add character string notes until this week, when this error began popping up. Any suggestions for how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance, and best wishes,

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