[R] Select element out of several ncdf variables

confused cstocker at climate.unibe.ch
Thu Jul 7 18:10:27 CEST 2011

Hi there

I'm working with ncdf data. I have different dataset for 4 runs, 4 seasons
and 3 timeslices (48 datasets in total). The datasets have the following
dimensions: 96 longitudes, 48 latitudes and 30 time steps. To read all of
them in, I wrote the following loop:

runs <- c("03","04","05","06")
years <- c(1851,1961,2061)
seasons <- c("DJF","MAM","JJA","SON")

for (i in runs) {
for (j in years) {
for (k in seasons) {

data <- open.ncdf(paste("/data09/cstocker/data/atm/tr_1500_",
i,"/PRECT/PREC_tr1500_", i,"_", j,"_", k,".nc", sep=""))

prect <- get.var.ncdf(data, "PRECT")

assign(paste("prec", k, j, i, sep="_"), prect)


I produced 48 variables called prec_DJF_1851_03 and so on..

Now, how can I select an element out of each of these variables?

If I have only one variable, I use: example[1:5, 6:10, 10:15]
...just as you would choose out of a simple array.

That I don't have to do it for every single variable by hand, I wanted to
create something like:

for (i in runs) {
for (j in years) {
for (k in seasons) {

assign(paste("newname", k, j, i, sep="_"), choose.element(paste("prec", k,
j, i, sep="_"), at.position(x,y,z)))


How can I solve this problem?

Took me already quite a lot of time to surf through all former posts.
Unfortunately I could't find what I was looking for. I'd be very thankful
for any kind of help as I am slowly very confused and frustrated...


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