[R] Need help with my homework

Bart Joosen bartjoosen at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 27 10:53:58 CET 2011

I think you focussed on the wrong post.
You are discussing with Josh, but others already mentioned a good
solution:"ask google".
It took me less than a minute to find a function which makes a random walk
and plot the path.
So if you are out there to study such code, go search for it, and if you
don't get it, post the code here you don't understand and ask specific.

Also, asking for giving some code without proving your tried it on yourself,
isn't a good way to ask here.
Why don't you give it a try yourself, and if you are stuck, come back, post
your code and explain what doesn't work. I'm sure there are people who will
help you if they can.

good luck

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