[R] Baseline terms for lrm

Rob James rob at aetiologic.ca
Tue Jan 18 21:19:50 CET 2011

I should rephrase my question.

When using the notation rcs(V1, N) within the lrm function in the rms 
package, the associated model reports out N-1 values for the associated 
variable. Fine.

The rcs-constructed temporary variables are denoted V1,  V1', V1'' when 
one looks at the model output, but the model output is not explicit 
about which values of V1 are associated with variables V1, V1', V1'' .  
Yes, specs() tells you what the splits are for rcs, but is there a way 
to explicitly generate the associations between the model outcome 
variables, and the associated ranges,

Here's the idea:


Variable Low    High
V          0        2
V'         3        6
V'         7        22

Is there existing functionality to do this? If not, it suggest it would 
be a helpful addition.


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