[R] intercept point coordinates

Tonja Krueger tonja.krueger at web.de
Mon Jan 17 13:14:06 CET 2011

Hi List,
Can someone help me to calculate the coordinates of the red and green points? In this
example I found their approximate location by trying, but as I have to analyse
many similar curves, I’d rather calculate the exact location. 

c(0.008248005, 0.061242387, 0.099095516, 0.189943027, 0.227796157, 0.258078661,
0.280790538, 0.303502416, 0.386779301, 0.454914934, 0.545762445, 0.591186201,
0.682033712, 0.757739971, 0.825875604, 0.848587482, 0.803163726, 0.833446230,
0.878869985, 0.871299359, 0.878869985, 0.947005619, 1.000000000, 0.992429374,
0.954576245, 0.894011237, 0.765310597, 0.621468704, 0.492768064, 0.333784920,
0.258078661, 0.174801775, 0.099095516, 0.008248005)

plot(data, type="l")

points(21.35,.9, pch=20, col="red")
points(26,.9, pch=20, col="green")

Thank you, 
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