[R] plotting, graph, everything
bt_jannis at yahoo.de
Mon Feb 28 21:41:04 CET 2011
Hey Muzna,
similar answer as to your other post. The R-list is not supposed to make
your homework for you (see posting guide). You should better discuss
this with the person who made the assignment. We will help you when you
have concrete questions.
On 02/28/2011 05:25 PM, Muzna Alvi wrote:
> I have this assignment to do and after ten hours of constant trying my eyes
> ache and i give up..
> all i'm able to get is this plot
> please help me
> these are the commands i have used till now
> read.table(file.choose(), sep=";", header=T)
> read.table(file.choose(), sep=";", header=T)->areas
> melt(areas,id=c("Year","State"),m=c("Rice"))-> ricefile
> cast(ricefile,State~Year+variable)->ricefile
> names(ricefile)<- c("State","P1","P2","P3","P4")
> (ricefile$P4-ricefile$P1)/ricefile$P1-> ricefile$areachange
> ricefile$areachange*100->ricefile$areachange1
> ricefile=ricefile[-1,]
> plot(ricefile$areachange1 ~ ricefile$P1, col="red", col.axis=118,
> col.lab=555, pch=17, xlab="Figure in 1960", ylab="Change over 1960& 1990")
> with(ricefile, plot(ricefile$areachange1,ricefile$P1))
> with(ricefile, text(ricefile$P1,ricefile$areachange1, ricefile$State),
> pos=4, xpd=NA)
> ggplot(ricefile, aes(x=P1, y=areachange1)) + geom_point() +
> geom_text(aes(label= State, size=2, vjust=2))
> PLEASE HELP!! The question and the data is given below..
> [image: Picture of Vikas
> Rawal]<http://courseware.macroscan.com/user/view.php?id=2&course=3>
> another plot
> Read the data file /Data/ep602/areas.csv, and make a scatter plot that
> displays area under rice in 1960s on the x axis, and percentage change in
> area under rice between 1960 and 1990 on the y axis. Let origin of the plot
> be at (50 per cent of area of rice in India as a whole,percentage change in
> area of rice in India as a whole). Then label with name of State three
> highest/rightmost points and three lowest/leftmost points.
> Make a similar graph for wheat.
> This is the Data
> Stateno State Year Rice Wheat
> 1 1 Haryana 60 169.33 693.67
> 2 1 Haryana 70 283.67 1192.00
> 3 1 Haryana 80 489.00 1588.00
> 4 1 Haryana 90 698.67 1920.67
> 5 2 Himachal Pradesh 60 99.38 302.77
> 6 2 Himachal Pradesh 70 99.30 316.50
> 7 2 Himachal Pradesh 80 97.07 356.93
> 8 2 Himachal Pradesh 90 82.50 372.90
> 9 3 Jammu& Kashmir 60 226.97 179.37
> 10 3 Jammu& Kashmir 70 221.83 184.27
> 11 3 Jammu& Kashmir 80 267.83 203.60
> 12 3 Jammu& Kashmir 90 275.50 248.27
> 13 4 Punjab 60 262.93 1535.33
> 14 4 Punjab 70 438.47 2346.30
> 15 4 Punjab 80 1255.67 2925.33
> 16 4 Punjab 90 2106.00 3283.00
> 17 5 Uttar Pradesh 60 4358.80 3973.80
> 18 5 Uttar Pradesh 70 4553.03 6029.47
> 19 5 Uttar Pradesh 80 5248.03 8060.00
> 20 5 Uttar Pradesh 90 5419.23 8856.40
> 21 6 Assam 60 1902.93 3.93
> 22 6 Assam 70 2001.60 57.57
> 23 6 Assam 80 2278.47 103.27
> 24 6 Assam 90 2525.33 76.40
> 25 7 Bihar 60 5277.07 678.07
> 26 7 Bihar 70 5133.80 1740.70
> 27 7 Bihar 80 5138.70 1709.43
> 28 7 Bihar 90 4662.57 2009.57
> 29 8 Orissa 60 4359.63 12.80
> 30 8 Orissa 70 4544.33 28.33
> 31 8 Orissa 80 4136.10 65.57
> 32 8 Orissa 90 4515.53 13.80
> 33 9 West Bengal 60 4549.07 48.20
> 34 9 West Bengal 70 5005.47 383.60
> 35 9 West Bengal 80 5082.57 254.40
> 36 9 West Bengal 90 5763.07 275.70
> 37 10 Gujarat 60 538.13 411.80
> 38 10 Gujarat 70 456.10 507.67
> 39 10 Gujarat 80 484.23 668.77
> 40 10 Gujarat 90 590.47 502.50
> 41 11 Madhya Pradesh 60 4258.87 3240.23
> 42 11 Madhya Pradesh 70 4495.97 3448.57
> 43 11 Madhya Pradesh 80 4857.37 3421.50
> 44 11 Madhya Pradesh 90 5170.73 3788.97
> 45 12 Maharashtra 60 1352.57 892.73
> 46 12 Maharashtra 70 1324.07 860.63
> 47 12 Maharashtra 80 1501.77 1076.60
> 48 12 Maharashtra 90 1555.10 686.83
> 49 13 Rajasthan 60 111.83 1186.50
> 50 13 Rajasthan 70 129.57 1463.73
> 51 13 Rajasthan 80 142.80 1824.30
> 52 13 Rajasthan 90 140.87 2014.33
> 53 14 Andhra Pradesh 60 3431.03 18.80
> 54 14 Andhra Pradesh 70 3163.27 19.20
> 55 14 Andhra Pradesh 80 3687.23 16.97
> 56 14 Andhra Pradesh 90 3695.63 9.80
> 57 15 Karnataka 60 1084.37 301.83
> 58 15 Karnataka 70 1096.80 316.67
> 59 15 Karnataka 80 1126.43 326.93
> 60 15 Karnataka 90 1319.73 219.87
> 61 16 Kerala 60 802.97 0.00
> 62 16 Kerala 70 874.57 0.00
> 63 16 Kerala 80 795.67 0.00
> 64 16 Kerala 90 528.97 0.00
> 65 17 Tamil Nadu 60 2640.90 1.10
> 66 17 Tamil Nadu 70 2742.60 1.37
> 67 17 Tamil Nadu 80 2195.40 0.90
> 68 17 Tamil Nadu 90 2202.87 0.27
> 69 99 All India 60 35988.70 13503.70
> 70 99 All India 70 37346.00 18947.70
> 71 99 All India 80 39707.30 22663.30
> 72 99 All India 90 42321.00 24332.70
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