[R] dot chart adding group labels....HELP

David Lyon david_lyon3 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 28 18:13:06 CET 2011

HI everyone

Does anayone know how to add group labels to dot charts
>From the R code below 

a<-read.table("test2", sep="\t", header=TRUE)
dotchart(as.matrix(t()), main="test")

it generates from the datafile input below,

file test2 containing:
1	1	1	1	0.2068594
1	0.2386699	1	1	0.3959740
1	0.3965243	1	1	1.0000000
1	1.0000000	1	1	0.3329179
1	1.0000000	1	1	0.4873605

It gives by default the group labels "1","2","3","4" and "5"

How do I change the group labels from the default "1","2","3","4" and "5" to something more useful say "place1","place2", "place3", "place4", "place5"

A BIG thanks in advance!

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