[R] Problems using unique function and !duplicated

Ivan Calandra ivan.calandra at uni-hamburg.de
Mon Feb 28 17:07:40 CET 2011

Hi Jon,

I think you made a mistake in your desired output.
If it is indeed a mistake, then this should do:



PS: think about dput() when you want to share objects, in this case 

Le 2/28/2011 16:51, JonC a écrit :
> Hi, I am trying to simultaneously remove duplicate variables from two or more
> variables in a small R data.frame. I am trying to reproduce the SAS
> statements from a Proc Sort with Nodupkey for those familiar with SAS.
> Here's my example data :
> test<- read.csv("test.csv", sep=",", as.is=TRUE)
>> test
>        date var1 var2 num1 num2
> 1 28/01/11    a    1  213   71
> 2 28/01/11    b    1  141   47
> 3 28/01/11    c    2  867  289
> 4 29/01/11    a    2  234   78
> 5 29/01/11    b    2  666  222
> 6 29/01/11    c    2  912  304
> 7 30/01/11    a    3  417  139
> 8 30/01/11    b    3  108   36
> 9 30/01/11    c    2  288   96
> I am trying to obtain the following, where duplicates of date AND var2 are
> removed from the above data.frame.
> date          	var1	var2	num1	num2
> 28/01/2011	a	1	213	       71
> 28/01/2011	c	2	867	       289
> 29/01/2011	a	2	234	       78
> 30/01/2011	c	2	288	       96
> 30/01/2011	a	3	417	       139
> If I use the !duplicated function with one variable everything works fine.
> However I wish to remove duplicates of both Date and var2.
>   test[!duplicated(test$date),]
>          date var1 var2 num1 num2
> 1 0011-01-28    a    1  213   71
> 4 0011-01-29    a    2  234   78
> 7 0011-01-30    a    3  417  139
> test2<- test[!duplicated(test$date),!duplicated(test$var2),]
> Error in `[.data.frame`(test, !duplicated(test$date),
> !duplicated(test$var2),  :   undefined columns selected
> I get an error ?
> I got different errors when using the unique() function.
> Can anybody solve this ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Jon

PhD Student
University of Hamburg
Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Museum
Abt. Säugetiere
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3
D-20146 Hamburg, GERMANY
+49(0)40 42838 6231
ivan.calandra at uni-hamburg.de


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