[R] stata.get labels glm()

Quark at gmx.at Quark at gmx.at
Sun Feb 27 12:00:10 CET 2011

Dear R community,

I would like to import data saved with Stata and then run a Probit model using R.

My data comes from the World Values Surveys and in the Probit model I want to control for countries.

So far I figured out that I should put "convert.factors = FALSE" when using stata.get() in order to import numeric values instead of label mappings, which is what I want for most of the variables. In a second step I would like to convert ONLY the country variable to a factor, such that glm() automatically controls for countries. With the latter point I am stuck, I managed to extract the country labels but don't know how to match this information now with my country variable 'v2'.

> wvs1981 <- stata.get("C:/wvs1981_v20090906.dta", lowernames = FALSE, convert.dates = TRUE, convert.factors = FALSE, missing.type = FALSE, convert.underscore = TRUE, warn.missing.labels = TRUE, force.single = TRUE, allow=NULL, charfactor=FALSE)

> countrylabels <- attributes(wvs1981)$stata.info$label.table$v2

> countrylabels

japan       mexico south africa      hungary    australia       tambov    argentina      finland  south korea 
13           14           15           16           17           20           22           23           24 

I know that I could put the option factor() in the Probit model but in my output then '13' instead of 'Japan' appears, which is not so nice, i.e.  

> myprobit<- glm(v220bin ~ v214 + v216 + factor(v2), family=binomial(link="probit"), data=wvs1981, na.action=na.pass)

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best regards,

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