[R] Hello!

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Sun Feb 27 10:38:15 CET 2011

tsvi sabo<tsvisabo at yahoo.com>  wrote:
> Hi,i would like to know what is the best way to write a procedure in R,it seems that when i run a script it doesn't wait for previouse code lines to be excuted,i would like to know how to force R to hold on a code line until it is processed,for example:i want to choose from a list the name of the sheet in which to do an analisys,then i want to run a goodness of fit test for the data on that chosen sheet,how can i do that?and if it is not too much i have couple more questions,1. how to retrieve the names of excel's file sheets to an array ?2. how to retrieve the names of excel's Sheet columns names to an array ?
> thanks a lot,Tsvi Sabo
Hi Tsvi,
I think you are asking about halting the execution of a script so that 
the output doesn't disappear up the screen like smoke. You can use:


which will halt the script execution until the user presses the <Return> 
key. As for the Excel questions, there are several packages like "xlsx" 
that might do what you want there.


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