[R] sourcing a linux file with "system"

james.foadi at diamond.ac.uk james.foadi at diamond.ac.uk
Sat Feb 26 12:00:13 CET 2011

Dear R community,
I would like to source a file in my linux system to set a few environment variables.
I have tried:

> system("source /home/james/build//ccp4-6.1.13/include/ccp4.setup")

and got:

sh: source: not found

In fact, using Sys.which("source") I get an empty string.
How can I source that ccp4.setup file from within an R session?


Dr James Foadi PhD
Membrane Protein Laboratory (MPL)
Diamond Light Source Ltd
Diamond House
Harewell Science and Innovation Campus
Chilton, Didcot
Oxfordshire OX11 0DE

Email    :  james.foadi at diamond.ac.uk
Alt Email:  j.foadi at imperial.ac.uk

Personal web page: http://www.jfoadi.me.uk

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