[R] Error
Ivan Calandra
ivan.calandra at uni-hamburg.de
Fri Feb 25 16:10:09 CET 2011
I don't get any error...
DF <- cbind(DF[,c(1:3)],ave(DF[, c(4:5)],DF$B, FUN = f))
1 1 a 1999 0 0
7 3 a 2004 1 0
2 1 b 1999 0 0
10 4 b 2001 0 1
8 3 b 2004 1 1
3 1 c 1999 0 0
5 2 c 2001 0 1
11 4 c 2001 1 1
4 1 d 1999 0 0
6 2 d 2001 1 0
12 4 d 2001 1 1
9 3 d 2004 1 2
Le 2/25/2011 15:31, mathijsdevaan a écrit :
> Hi, I am running the following script for a different (much larger data
> frame):
> DF = data.frame(read.table(textConnection(" A B C D E
> 1 1 a 1999 1 0
> 2 1 b 1999 0 1
> 3 1 c 1999 0 1
> 4 1 d 1999 1 0
> 5 2 c 2001 1 0
> 6 2 d 2001 0 1
> 7 3 a 2004 0 1
> 8 3 b 2004 0 1
> 9 3 d 2004 0 1
> 10 4 b 2001 1 0
> 11 4 c 2001 1 0
> 12 4 d 2001 0 1"),head=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
> DF<-DF[order(DF$B,DF$C),]#order by developer_id and year
> f<- function(x)
> {
> unlist(lapply(x, FUN = function(z) cumsum(z) - z))
> }
> DF<-cbind(DF[,c(1:3)],ave(DF[, c(4:5)],DF$B, FUN = f))
> I get the following error:
> Error in `[<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, i, , value = integer(0)) :
> replacement has 0 items, need 37597770
> In addition: Warning message:
> In max(i) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
> The dimensions of the data frame are (50000,108), so the last line of the
> script becomes:
> DF<-cbind(DF[,c(1:3)],ave(DF[, c(4:108)],DF$B, FUN = f))
> Any idea how to solve this problem? Thanks!
PhD Student
University of Hamburg
Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Museum
Abt. Säugetiere
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3
D-20146 Hamburg, GERMANY
+49(0)40 42838 6231
ivan.calandra at uni-hamburg.de
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