[R] parallel bootstrap linear model on multicore mac (re-post)

Anthony Dick adick at fiu.edu
Thu Feb 24 20:23:52 CET 2011

Hello all,

I am re-posting my previous question with a simpler, more transparent, 
commented code.

I have been ramming my head against this problem, and I wondered if 
anyone could lend a hand. I want to make parallel a bootstrap of a 
linear mixed model on my 8-core mac. Below is the process that I want to 
make parallel (namely, the boot.out<-boot(dat.res,boot.fun, R = nboot) 
command). This is an extension to lmer of the bootstrapping linear 
models example in Venables and Ripley. Please excuse my rather terrible 
programming skills. I am always open to suggestions. Below the example I 
describe what methods I have tried.

dat<-read.table("http://www2.fiu.edu/~adick/downloads/toy2.dat", header = T)
nboot<-1000 # number of bootstraps
x<-dat[,2] # IV number 1
y<-dat[,4] # DV
z<-dat[,3] # IV number 2
subj<-dat[,1] # random factor
boot.fun<-function(data,i) { # function to resample residuals
              d$y<- d$fitted+d$res[i] # populate new y values based on 
resampled residuals
# update the linear model and output the coefficients
fit<-lmer(y~x*z + (1|(subj))) # the linear model
dat.res<-data.frame(y,x,z,subj, res=resid(fit), fitted=fitted(fit)) # 
add residuals and fitted values to dat
boot.out<-boot(dat.res,boot.fun, R = nboot) # run the bootstrap using 
the boot.fun

Methods attempted:

Using the multicore package, I tried 
boot.out<-collect(parallel(boot(dat.res,boot.fun, R = nboot))). This 
returned a correct result, but did not speed things up. Not sure why...

I also tried snowfall and snow. While I can create a cluster and run 
simple processes (e.g., provided example from literature), I can't get 
the bootstrap to run. For example, using snow:

cl <- makeCluster(8)
boot.out<-clusterCall(cl,boot(dat.res,boot.fun, R = nboot))

returns the following error:

Error in checkForRemoteErrors(lapply(cl, recvResult)) :
   8 nodes produced errors; first error: could not find function "fun"

I am stuck and at the limit of my programming knowledge and am punting 
to the R-help list. I need to run this process thousands of times, which 
is the reason to make it parallel. Any suggestions are much appreciated.


Anthony Steven Dick, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus DM 296B
11200 S.W. 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: 305-348-4202
Lab Phone: 305-348-9057 or 305-348-9055 (I am usually here)
Fax: 305-348-3879
Email: adick at fiu.edu
Webpage: http://www.fiu.edu/~adick

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