[R] Using string to call/manipulate an object

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 17:14:40 CET 2011

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 8:55 AM, Kushan Thakkar <kthakk4 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am using getSymbols function from quantmod package to get price data from
> internet.
> Currently I have:
> my.ticker <- "IBM"
> getSymbols(my.ticker,src="google")
> This  creates an xts object named my.ticker which contains historical price
> data for IBM.
> How can I call and manipulating this xts object using my original string
> my.ticker?
> I want to do:
> colnames(my.ticker) <- c("open","high","low","close","vol")
> However, this does not work as my.ticker refers to the string "IBM" rather
> than the xts object called IBM.
> Out of desperation, I have also tried:
> colnames(paste(my.ticker)) <- c("open","high","low","close","vol")
> colnames(as.xts(my.ticker)) <- c("open","high","low","close","vol")

Try this:

ibm <- getSymbols("IBM", src = "google", auto.assign = FALSE)
colnames(ibm) <- c("open","high","low","close","vol")

Statistics & Software Consulting
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