[R] caret::train() and ctree()

Andrew Ziem AZiem at us.ci.org
Wed Feb 16 18:01:15 CET 2011

Like earth can be trained simultaneously for degree and nprune, is there a way to train ctree simultaneously for mincriterion and maxdepth?  

Also, I notice there are separate methods ctree and ctree2, and if both options are attempted to tune with one method, the summary averages the option it doesn't support.  The full log is attached, and notice these lines below for method="ctree" where maxdepth=c(2,4) are averaged to maxdepth=3.

Fitting: maxdepth=2, mincriterion=0.95 
Fitting: maxdepth=4, mincriterion=0.95 
Fitting: maxdepth=2, mincriterion=0.99 
Fitting: maxdepth=4, mincriterion=0.99

  mincriterion  Accuracy  Kappa  maxdepth  Accuracy SD  Kappa SD  maxdepth SD
  0.95          0.939     0.867  3         0.0156       0.0337    1.01       
  0.99          0.94      0.868  3         0.0157       0.0337    1.01       

I use R 2.12.1 and caret 4.78.


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