[R] rjava does not install

Mike Marchywka marchywka at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 14 13:00:47 CET 2011

[ stupid hotmail still not mark original, top post. I can't figure out when it is kind
enough to do this and not, probably thinks I need to use html LOL ]

The point seems to be that you need jni.h which apparently is only in the jdk, not the jre.
If you install "java" it isn't clear what this thing finds.
if you do something like "which -a java" and "which -a javac" you may see some issues.

Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 11:33:49 +0200
From: orvaquim at gmail.com
To: ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
CC: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] rjava does not install

Sorry for this delay. I have installed rjava on Fedora, CentOS and Debians.

The secret is to install java and configure de java variables. The easiest
way for R is:
R CMD javareconf

It will detect your java envoriment and preconfigure R for you.

Then  run: R CMD INSTALL rJava etc as you did.


On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 9:05 AM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

> This isn't the right place (rJava has its own support lists), but
> - that is not the Java package installed on any version of Fedora I have
> seen, and you might want to try the native openjdk version.
> - the JAVA_HOME used by the build is not what you show, as it is looking in
> /opt/jre1.6.0_22/include (and needs to look in the JDK).
> I have no idea what about your setup caused the discrepancy: please seek
> help from your local Linux support (or use rJava's support lists).
> On Mon, 7 Feb 2011, servet cizmeli wrote:
>  I am on a fedora server on which I am not root privileges. I am trying to
>> locally install rJava... Here are my steps :

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