[R] Recoding using the memisc package

Peter Ehlers ehlers at ucalgary.ca
Sun Feb 13 17:27:52 CET 2011

On 2011-02-13 07:05, Shige Song wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am trying to recode a variable using the functions provided by
> "memisc" package. Actually I am following the examples on page 9-10 of
> the vignette:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> d.fig<- within(d.fig,{
> sev<- recode(sev,
>                1 ->  0.9,
>                2 ->  1.0,
>                3 ->  1.1,
>                4 ->  1.2,
>                5 ->  1.3,
>                6 ->  1.4,
>                7 ->  1.5,
>                8 ->  1.6,
>                9 ->  1.7,
>                10 ->  1.8,
>                11 ->  1.9,
>                12 ->  2.0,
>                13 ->  2.1,
>                14 ->  2.2,
>                15 ->  2.3,
>                16 ->  2.4,
>                17 ->  2.5,
>                18 ->  2.6,
>                19 ->  2.7,
>                20 ->  2.8,
>                21 ->  2.9,
>                22 ->  3.0,
>                23 ->  3.1,
>                24 ->  3.2,
>                25 ->  3.3,
>                26 ->  3.4)
> })
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I keep get error message saying "Error in 0.9<- 1 : invalid (do_set)
> left-hand side to assignment." Any idea what is going on? Thanks.

You might be stumbling into the recode() function in package car.
It would be useful if you were to to follow the Posting Guide and
provided you sessionInfo().

Peter Ehlers

> Best,
> Shige
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