[R] Recoding using the memisc package

Shige Song shigesong at gmail.com
Sun Feb 13 16:05:34 CET 2011

Dear All,

I am trying to recode a variable using the functions provided by
"memisc" package. Actually I am following the examples on page 9-10 of
the vignette:

d.fig <- within(d.fig,{
sev <- recode(sev,
              1 -> 0.9,
              2 -> 1.0,
              3 -> 1.1,
              4 -> 1.2,
              5 -> 1.3,
              6 -> 1.4,
              7 -> 1.5,
              8 -> 1.6,
              9 -> 1.7,
              10 -> 1.8,
              11 -> 1.9,
              12 -> 2.0,
              13 -> 2.1,
              14 -> 2.2,
              15 -> 2.3,
              16 -> 2.4,
              17 -> 2.5,
              18 -> 2.6,
              19 -> 2.7,
              20 -> 2.8,
              21 -> 2.9,
              22 -> 3.0,
              23 -> 3.1,
              24 -> 3.2,
              25 -> 3.3,
              26 -> 3.4)

I keep get error message saying "Error in 0.9 <- 1 : invalid (do_set)
left-hand side to assignment." Any idea what is going on? Thanks.


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