[R] minimum spanning tree

amir amir at ac.upc.edu
Thu Feb 10 10:54:04 CET 2011


I have a graph G with n nodes (n=1..100).

I want to find the spanning tree over only some specific nodes (not all
nodes in G), for instance nodes (2,3,6).
Is there any way in R that can do this?

Maybe one solution is create another subgraph g' of graph G which
consists nodes 2,3,6 and their edges.
Then running minimum.spanning.tree(g').

I want to know is there any better solution?


 Amir Darehshoorzadeh     |    Comp. Architecture Dept.
 PhD Student              |    UPC-Campus Nord, C6-221
 Email: amir at ac.upc.edu   |    c/ Jordi Girona, 1-3
 Tel:                     |    08034 Barcelona - SPAIN

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